Time | Movement
| Start with arms
out to sides holding veil |
| Shoulder slides
(one slide with each note) |
| Hip Crunches to
beat – back to shoulder slides |
| Abrupt turn to left
– drop veil in front on right Then into basic step (while turning back to front)
:21 | Full hip circle clockwise – starting forward
from the left side – then two 1-hip circles on the left hip going back into the full hip circle – then two 1-hip
circles on the right side – then counter-clockwise full hip circle into two 1-hip circles on the right hip and back
into full hip circle and two 1-hip circles on the left side |
:41 |
2 figure 8’s beginning with left hip to front |
:46 |
Shoulder circles – following tempo of the music – reversing when music changes –
flip hands over 1 at a time then both at once |
:56 | Rib
slides – 1 for each heavy beat (2 in each direction beginning to right) |
1:01 | Rib circles – begin clockwise vertical rib circle – stop at top
center and reverse direction – stop at top center again and reverse into 2 complete circles |
1:07 | Shift weight and turn toward right with right arm up and left
arm down – 2 sway steps to side then 2undulations – switch to other side, reverse arms –
2 steps, 2 undulations |
| Snake Arms
1:27 | Full hip circle + ½ circle (start forward on
left) |
1:33 | Pause hip circle at right front–
right arm goes up to flute – pause arm - reverse hip circle to sax – left arm up to flute – alternate
arms (up & down) and hips (reversing each time) |
1:42 | Repeat
rib cage move at :56 & 1:01 |
| Repeat undulation
move at 1:07 (twice) |
2:03 | Snake arms |
2:13 | Crunches |
2:18 |
Basic Step |
| Pivot circle –
change direction when music changes |
| Repeat undulation
move at 1:07 |
2:54 | Repeat rib cage move at :56 & 1:01
3:04 | Repeat hip circles at :21 |
3:25 | 2 figure 8’s beginning with left hip forward |
3:30 | Arms cross and up – 2 wrist circles – arms wave down
in front – then back up and 2 wrist circles in each direction |
3:45 |
Weight shift to right then left hip lift & drop |
| |